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A Legacy of Knowledge


In honor of the 65th-anniversary celebration of Yara’s long-term field tests, Yara International organized a dedicated Nutribudget co-creation workshop. The event was organized on September 6, 2023, at Hanninghof in Dülmen, Germany.

Approximately 20 persons attended the workshop in person, while 25 attended online. Out of these 45 participants, 20-25 replied to the questions (16 in person, 8 online). Participants came from 12 different countries, representing the entire agri-food chain. The majority were researchers, producers of fertilizers and soil improvers, as well as farmers.

Following an introductory presentation about the NutriBudget project, the workshop took place, moderated by our coordinator, Erik Meers. The majority agreed on the need for additional mitigation measures in innovative crop management to enhance N and P efficiency and increase soil content. Moreover, they agreed on the need for extra incentives to implement such mitigation measures. From our project, they expect to receive information regarding the impact on agricultural production (e.g., yield, nutrient uptake, nutrient surplus, etc.) as well as soil quality (organic C sequential, nutrient (N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg) status, soil acidity, etc.).

As co-creation workshops, the results will be deeply analyzed and taken into account for the next project activities. Besides the fruitful scientific exchange, there was a lot of positive feedback from all participants who appreciated the open atmosphere with a shared spirit to move towards a more sustainable agriculture.