What is it?

  • The NutriPlatform is a decision-support tool (DST) to determine which agronomic or policy measures to implement. It will also support assessment of their impact for farmers at a farm level and for policy makers at a regional to European level.
  • The NutriPlatform will be based on advanced dynamic nutrient flow models that quantify the impact of agronomic mitigation measures to optimize nutrient budget and flow across scales (from farm to Europe), across elements (C) and nutrients (N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Cu and Zn) and by looking at various agronomic and environmental targets.

How will it be developed?

  • Databases, models and opportunity maps will be integrated into a user-friendly prototype to allow precision nutrient management at farm and landscape scale. Farmers and all other key actors in the nutrient management will be involved in co-creation activities in 5 pilot regions.
  • The NutriPlatform will be connected to the FaST, a functioning decision support tool which is already used by thousands of farmers across the EU. More specifically, the use of FaST will allow Nutribudget to be connected to real farmers data, together with all other data sources required.

The Nutriplatform will be further developed during the different stages of the project.

Stay tuned for more updates!